Let’s Build Infrastructure: Georgia

LET’S BUILD INFRASTRUCTURE (LBI) is a coalition dedicated to advancing private industry investment in infrastructure projects across the United States through promotion of public-private partnerships (P3s). Georgia has been a leader in utilizing P3s as a source of funding to their growing need for improved infrastructure.

When the private sector invests in infrastructure; job creation, easing congestion and modernizing our infrastructure are the benefits Georgians realize. Our coalition will include elected officials, community influencers, chambers of commerce, and industry & grassroots leaders. Georgia has been at the forefront regarding innovative ways to fund infrastructure and LBI is excited to promote this forward-thinking vision.

Lynn Westmoreland
Chairman, Let's Build Infrastructure - Georgia

Lynn Westmoreland was born and raised in Georgia. A true American entrepreneur, Lynn began his own building company L.A.W. Builders. While running his business, Lynn was elected to the Georgia State House, where he served proudly for 12 years. In the state House, Lynn developed a reputation for fighting for lower taxes and smaller government. He was eventually elected to serve as the Republican Leader, a position he held for three years. His hard work and dedication is credited as one of the major reasons the Republican Party was able to win the majority in the Georgia State House for the first time.

In 2004, Lynn was elected to the United States House of Representatives. While serving in Congress Lynn served on the Transportation and Infrastructure, Small Business, Government Oversight, House Financial Services the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Steering Committee, and as Deputy Chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee.

After leaving Congress Lynn has been active in political consulting for companies such as TenCate, UnicusID, National Infantry Museum, CTCA and others. He has advised on environmental, technology, healthcare along with political advice to clients to achieve their objectives. Lynn also previously served on the Georgia Board of Transportation, representing Georgia’s 3rd Congressional District.

Lynn and his wife Joan have been married for 52 years and have 3 children and 9 grandchildren.

Public-Private Partnerships (P3s) offer a way to pay for much needed infrastructure projects across the country using billions of dollars of private investment.

Let’s grow and innovate our cities for the next generation, today!

 Georgia News ON Public Private Partnerships