LET’S BUILD INFRASTRUCTURE is a coalition dedicated to advancing private investment in infrastructure projects in the United States. LBI is dedicated to identifying and recognizing public-private partnerships (P3s) as a viable funding solution to the growing need for improved infrastructure around the country. The lack of education regarding P3s has resulted in hesitancy among states and municipalities in exploring creative financing options to tackle their infrastructure improvements. As a result, billions of dollars are sitting on the sidelines while our infrastructure falls in further decline.
EVERYTHING IS POLITICAL The advancement of P3s cannot happen without the education and support of the public. The private sector faces natural opposition in most communities including labor unions, environmental groups and anti-tolling grassroots efforts. Building support for P3s within these communities is vital to success. Let’s Build Infrastructure will design campaigns to educate, engage and mobilize the public on behalf of the private sector. We will also build coalitions of elected officials, community influencers, Chambers of Commerce, industry leaders and the grassroots.